
(3) 2009 Australia Trip

澳洲之行 (倒數18)


The weather here in October:
Sydney – say around 17 to 24ºC (63ºF - 76ºF) if no weird weather occurs, In Sydney, at noon time yesterday the temperature was 30ºC, then thunderstorm in the afternoon. Today we have dust storm, right now the whole sky is red. The sun is struggling to pierce through the blanket of dust. The temperature is about 16ºC. Sydney is the most livable place on earth. Any Sydneysiders? Correct me if I am wrong.
Melbourne – say a few degrees cooler at night and hotter at noon time. There are four seasons in one day. Weird weather. Sorry for upsetting the Melburnians.
Brisbane and Cairns : A couple of degrees hotter and humid in Brisbane . Cairns could be average 35 - 38ºC and very humid. They say “beautiful one day, perfect the next”, but a bit humid. Any Queenslanders? Correct me if I am wrong.
Generally, the weather should be good everywhere in October.

總結論﹕澳洲的十月天氣在那裡都一樣好!--- 感謝吳同學貼心的天氣預報!




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