

05/08/2012: Lianala La (張瑞娜) wrote:
05/08/2012: Denise Young (蕭銀珍) wrote:
I  appreciated you guys put into so much hard work and energy for all these pictures to share with us every time. No doubt, they always will be our  great memories & enjoyment to treasure for every moment in our life. 
05/08/2012: Bick Lee (李綺碧) wrote:
Amazing!  I did not know that Ty Ong is a three languages poet.  It is kind of depressed to find out some old classmates had left us from the Minh Vien Year 1974 Classmates Record! 
Thanks for everybody who spared your precious time to be together.  Ty Ong had expressed all my wishes on his poetry..... 
05/08/2012:  Ty Ong and Quyen Vuong 王麗娟與翁德釗(亞海) wrote:
Wish all healthy and happiness.
Nhà họ Lý trăm hoa đua nở
Rồn rả tiếng cười trường Minh Viễn
Mấy năm tan rả tưởng đã hết
Đâu còn hội ngộ như hôm nay.

Đây kìa ! đông lắm người xưa củ.
Hương xưa, sắc củ vẫn vẹn toàn
Măt mừng, tay bát, ôm chào  hỏi
Tuyệt vời ! vui quá, thật là vui !!!

Còn mạnh khỏe, sao không gặp nhau
Để cùng nhau ôn lại ngày nào
Để cùng nhau miệng chào, tay bát
Để nghe tiếng nói cười thán thương.
Cuộc hộp nào rồi củng phải tan
Chốc nữa đây, ta sẽ tan hàng
Cuộc vui này xin ôm trọn vẹn
Để rồi cùng hẹn gặp lại sau.
明月幾時有 把酒問青天    
不知天上宮闕 今夕是何年
我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇
高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影 何似在人間
人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺
此事古難全 但願人長久
我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇
高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影
人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺
此事古難全 但願人長久
May We All be blessed with Longevity?
When will the moon be clear and bright?
With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky.
In the heavens on this night
I wonder what season it would be.
I'd like to ride the wind to fly home
Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions
Are much too high and cold for me.
Dancing with my moonlit shadow,
It does not seem like the human world.
The moon rounds the red mansion,
Stoops to silk-pad doors,
Stoops to silk-pad doors,
Bearing no grudge,
Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart?
People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart
The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane,
This imperfection has been going on since the beginning of time
May we all be blessed with longevity?
Though thousand miles apart we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.
05/07/2012:  Coco 吳愛基 wrote:
謝 謝 大 家 , 尤其是瑞意,瑞娜的熱情招待,打擾了!碧雲的百忙中送來美味的上海菜, ‧老同學難得聚在╴起,確實是人生一大樂也! 更謝各位準備美味食物,我和美華再說聲: 謝謝大家.
05/07/2012:  Anh Ha 陳雪玲 wrote:
Dear all:
I really appreciate and thank you all my old friends to arrange this birthday surprise for my "老公". It was warm and unforgettable.
Thanks Cindy & Sean , your warm house gave us a chance to have a nice reunion, we are free to talk, eat , play, and fully enjoy!, thanks again for
every body's effort to  make this reunion successful ! Looking forward to next gathering party :P
05/06/2012:  Ha Bac 何博 wrote:
每一次的聚會, 總希望能够滴水不漏的錄下現塲的一切動態和歡笑, 原來當我們聚在一起的時候, 是那麼的無憂與快樂, 友情無比珍貴,但願各位多運動注意健康, 大家才有機會常見面....
謝謝大家今晚為我安排的生日surprise, 和你們歡渡56歲生日人生一大快事也!

05/07/2012:  My Hoa Phu 符美華 wrote:
这是我的第一次,第一次在你们的圈圈内,你们给了我那么多那么多的爱,我非常的感动,也深深的感受到你们亲切的关怀。尤其当我知道自己的血压是那么的高的时候,心中充满了恐惧,因为我一直忽略了它,所以那天晚上我的心情是非常不安,真多亏有你们在我身边,谢谢你们的安慰,帮助,鼓励。。。。。:) vui vẻ
今早,我姐姐给我量了血压是158/88, 我的确是有高血压了,但是现在我已有准备,我会面对它,我会勤力的做运动,打何博教我的3招太极,还有世东教的气功,还有我也会听爱姬话早睡,听瑞娜话减肥:)) cười ngoác miệng。希望有机会再跟你们见面的我会是一个实在,健康的我。
谢谢你们,我非常非常爱你们:x yêu thế。。。。。。。。

05/07/2012:  Denise Young 蕭銀珍 wrote:
Thank you Cindy & Sean for your warm hospitality. I really enjoyed seeing all our MV friends. It was such a memorable night for us, share our friendships, good food, good time for our old friends to hang out & laugh. Anyway, I like to thank you again for those who have been making so much work to organize our “reunion” get together feast.
Best regards,
05/06/2012:  Tung Gip 葉世東 wrote:
05/06/2012:  Vivian Stoutt 楊瑋瑜 wrote:
Thank you keeping me all others whom can't come informed.
I was downtown at our Art gallery seeing Picasso work, reading your emails, prompted me dropped by China town, bought "banh da lon" & "cha gio".  I love & miss California "Banh Xeo".
To Dear Bac Ha, 56 is a true middle age in our time, ( we all know people over 100, which was not hear of 30 yrs ago.)  I wish you the very best a new start of your 2nd half life, happy & longevity, with Lianna, children, grand kids, tai chi and your MV friedships
Vivian 瑋瑜

05/06/2012:  Pam Nguyen 趙慧屏 wrote:

05/06/2012:  Carl Vuong 王自強 wrote:

我們能有這一個歡樂的聚會和時光,謝謝Cindy & Sean 的熱情和大家熱心。

05/05/2012:  Van Ly 張碧雲 wrote:
何博 &雪玲,祝你年年有今日,歲歲有今朝!
瑞意&林祥; 謝謝與打擾了,辛苦了真不好意思。
慧屏:Banh xeo好吃,希望沒把你累壊
世東 瑞娜,下次再相約麻雀論芵雄
麗娟&亞海,班長,綺碧 ,志强&清梅下次再相聚,謝謝你們的參與,
Little Joey, 謝謝幚忙照相. Good job!

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